Early Stage

Geo Business Consulting are particularly working towards early to mid stage technology companies planning to expand and commercialize its technology, domestic and internationally. 

During the commercialization phase the focus on the technology development and production would need to be supplied with a strong focus on market development and understanding, management systems generation and growth planning, both short and long term.


 General Business Services

Geo Business Consulting are supplying consultancy and management services to companies and investors.

  • General management for hire
  • Commercialization of technology and services, both  ndomestic and internationally
  • Growth planning based on market situation, technology  nevaluation and financial capabilities
  • Generation of efficiency measures for cost reductions  ncomplying to variable market situations
  • Advisory and consultancy to investors evaluating  ninvestments in technology and service companies


Project Services

Geo Business Consulting are providing services within project management on different levels of a project.

  • General project  nmanagement
  • Project planning and  nstructuring
  • Project activity  nparticipation
  • Project evaluation and  nresult integration